Burns Rehabilitation incorporates the physical, psychological and social aspects of care and it is common for burn patients to experience difficulties in one or all of these areas following a burn injury. Burns can leave a patient with severely debilitating and deforming contractures, which can lead to significant disability when left untreated. The aim of burn rehabilitation is to minimize the adverse effects caused by the injury in terms of maximizing functional ability, psychological well-being, and social integration of survivors in their communities.
The rehabilitation of burn survivors is a long process where education, awareness and opportunities are the keys to create change. BVS Nepal aims to empower the women and girls by equipping them with tools to become self-reliant through life skills training including vocational training in Kathmandu, Lalitpur, Dhanusha and Banke District. We provide vocational training that will enable survivors to become self-sufficient and reintegrate into society. BVS Nepal will provide access to professional skills training and rehabilitation in line with the interest of the individual survivors and will link the survivor with the vocational training institutes in their area. The duration of the training depends upon the selected skill and area. An action plan will be implemented with the support of the program coordinator for each survivor.
Different types of rehabilitation programs are being offered as per the requirement of the survivors.
Discover Our Rehabilitation Programs
Sewing Training
BVS-Nepal provides basic three months sewing training to the survivors which enable them to learn the skills and enable them to work towards financial independence. During their training, they are taught to create, mend and alter garments using both handwork and a sewing machine. So far, 6 survivors have received sewing training (4 in Janakpur and 2 in Kathmandu).
Beauty Parlour Training
BVS-Nepal has been financially supporting survivors in Kathmandu and Dhangadi in attending the basic and advanced beauty parlour courses. The survivors learn hairstyling, make-up and nail art. At the completion of their training, they are able to take it as a profession.
Candle Making
BVS-N has registered a Small Cottage industry in the Name of “Phoenix”. A consistent source of income for the burn survivors along with awareness improves the self-confidence and subsequently engages in decision making in personal and family affairs.
Non-formal Education
BVS-N has been able to design Non-Formal Education classes for the Survivors. This education is flexible in its organization and methods of instruction. The method of teaching is basic so that the survivors can relate well. The volunteers selected for these classes are friendly and understanding, with the ability to create a positive learning environment. BVS- N believes that non-formal education is a concept for recurrent and lifelong learning. The survivors are made to educate so that they can write their name, address and can learn to read. BVS-N firmly believes in passing knowledge to the survivors and also creates an environment where survivors can have a group discussion on what they have understood and learnt.