Nutritional Support

BVS-Nepal provides high-protein food basket on a weekly basis to the patients. Significant nutritional support to meet increased energy expenditure is vital for the survival of burn patients, as the severe burn is not only painful and traumatizing but places enormous stress on the body as it tries to heal.

Nutritional support is a critical aspect of the treatment of burn patients. The metabolic rate of these patients can be greater than twice the normal rate, and this response can last for more than a year after the injury. Severe catabolism accompanies the hypermetabolic state and leads to a tremendous loss of lean body mass as well as a decline of host immune function.

The major objectives of nutrition program are:

  • To promote optimal wound healing and rapid recovery from burn injuries
  • To minimize the risk of complications, including infections during the treatment period
  • To attain and maintain the normal nutritional status
  • To minimize metabolic disturbances during the treatment process

The BVS-Nepal team visit Kanti Children Hospital on weekly basis and Trauma Center and Teaching Hospital Burns Unit twice a month. Each patient receives a food basket as recommended by the medical staff. A nutrition package consists of one box of Mitho Sagun (Protein compliment), Glucose D, Glucose biscuits, Cream Biscuits, Eggs, Juice and seasonal fruits which cost approximately Rs.1000 (roughly £7.50) per basket. In 2073-2074, in addition to regular hospital meals, C.H.A.N.C.E for Nepal (UK) enabled BVS to deliver 920 individual baskets to burn patients hospitalized at the Trauma Center, Teaching Hospital and Kanti Children’s Hospital respectively in the year 2073/2074.

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